WizEstate is mobile friendly Free Real Estate theme for Osclass built on the popular Bootstrap framework with latest Font Awesome icons. It is compatible up to the latest version of Osclass.
- Real State attributes plugin compatible
- Font Awesome Icons for categories
- Powered with Bootstrap Framework
- Simple and Clean
- Responsive and Mobile Friendly
- RTL layout option
- Google fonts option
- Available in 5 color modes (Green, Red, Blue, Purple, Yellow)
- Supports all the default features of Osclass
- Supports third parties Plugins
- Compatible with the latest version of Osclass
- Advanced Theme Settings Option
- Premium listings slider
- Region, City select Advanced search
- Facebook page like box for sidebar
- Categories multi-select option for Item Post page.
- Free and always will be
- And many more…
We love to hear from you regarding our free real estate theme. We provide support for theme related issues and bugs.